The Social Side of Wellbeing – an extract from Contextual Wellbeing By Dr Helen Street
(this is an extract from: Street, Helen (2018) Contextual Wellbeing: creating positive schools from the inside out, published by Wise Solutions) … It could…
(this is an extract from: Street, Helen (2018) Contextual Wellbeing: creating positive schools from the inside out, published by Wise Solutions) … It could…
Many schools seeking to support school wellbeing in 2022, are keen to support a ‘whole school approach’. This sounds like a great idea. Afterall, surely if we want all staff and students to benefit, and be well; best practice needs to be as universal as possible?
In this article I offer my thoughts on the impact of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 restrictions on social, emotional and academic learning in 2020….
www.contextualwellbeing.com.au; www.positiveschools.com.au Over the past twenty years, there has been an increasing consideration of the role schools can, and indeed ‘should’ play in…
Contextual Wellbeing is a systems-based approach to supporting equitable education, youth wellbeing and self-determination in all schools and colleges through the development of a…
“I hate exercising around other people…and once I get toned up and really fit, then I’ll go and show off my body…it’s like how…
Australia can take some pride in its list of inventions and inventors who have made a name for themselves around the world. In terms…
Mindful awareness techniques are rapidly gaining acceptance and interest around the world. Millions of adults have benefitted from practicing Mindfulness. Now opportunities are available…
Whether talking about ‘being as quiet as a mouse’ or ‘as busy as a bee’, we all use metaphors to help us describe and…
What would you do if a 200-kilogram tiger ran into the staff room? You might find yourself frozen with fear or screaming loudly. Perhaps…
Positive relationships are a key component of every single model of psychological wellbeing, including NEF’s Five Ways to Wellbeing (Thompson et. al., 2008), PROSPER…
Daniel Goleman’s quote from his bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence, is so true: “Happy, calm children learn best.” Safe classroom cultures with teachers who form…
What if there was a virus going around your school affecting 30% of primary school students and 70% teenagers? What if that virus had…
Picture this. On arriving to school and before you have time to put your books down, Johnny’s parents make a beeline for you. …
There was much talk, and indeed much trying out, of brain breaks at the Australian Positive Schools conference series this year. I talked about…
If school based wellbeing has a fashion, then this season’s choice is most certainly ‘the mindfulness program’. After all, isn’t mindfulness at the cutting…
Anger is an issue we all wish we could learn to deal with — in ourselves and in others. The destructive reactions we come up with…
“In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that’s…
We all know that LEGO® bricks are fun. But it turns out that those little blocks are also powerful educational tools allowing us to…
AN AFTERNOON WITH HELEN STREET The importance of developing social cohesion in classrooms and school communities It…
Registrations are now open and filling for this year’s Positive Schools Singapore wellbeing and positive education conference. The Positive Schools conference series has been…
Body Confident Schools: Information & strategies for teachers The Butterfly Foundation Butterfly Is Australia’s largest charity supporting people with negative body image, disordered…
Over the past decade, there have been significant changes in the attitudes and practices around wellbeing programs in Australian Schools. Two people who have…
Many educators are acutely aware that punishment and threats are counterproductive. Making children suffer…
Julie Hodges Positive Schools 2016 .03
Karen Martin Lonely but not alone Positive Schools with refs and models