
Hyperactivity workshop By Leonie Abbott PS18
Hyperactivity workshop – Leonie Abbott.compressed

Contextual Wellbeing by Dr Helen Street PS18
Contextual Wellbeing Friday Keynote HELEN STREET Contextual Wellbeing FULL DAY HELEN STREET Contextual Wellbeing Thursday Workshop HELEN STREET

What’s at Stake – Neuroscience and the Stories we Live by – Jared Horvath PS18
Overview to go with slides Modularity: The human brain is not a single ‘unit’ – rather, it’s composed of hundreds of small ‘modules’…

Perfectionism – Toni Noble PS18
Perfectionism – Toni Noble-ilovepdf-compressed

Transitions and stages – Amba Brown PS18
Transitions and stages – Amba Brown.compressed

Technology and wellbeing- Michael Carr-Gregg PS18
Technology – Michael Carr-Gregg.

Why Honesty Matters. By Dr Helen Street PS17
Helen Street SLIDES PS17

Mental Health and Technology: An Integra4ve Approach To Wellbeing By Michael Carr-Gregg
How technology can help student’s mental health: A case study Dr Michael Carr-Gregg This hands on, practical, skills based workshop demonstrates how workers with…

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