Positive spin for learning, Geelong Grammar
NORTHERN Bay College will join Geelong Grammar and the University of Melbourne in a study measuring and refining use of positive psychology in Education….
NORTHERN Bay College will join Geelong Grammar and the University of Melbourne in a study measuring and refining use of positive psychology in Education….
Growing up in poverty can have long-lasting, negative consequences for a child. But for poor children raised by parents who lack nurturing skills, the…
A team of researchers led by a MichiganStateUniversity neuroscientist has created a quick but reliable test that can measure a person’s creativity from single…
Blueberries are called a “superfood” for their high polyphenol content, but when served as warm, gooey pie filling or when lending bursts of sweet…
Most human phenotypes are influenced by a combination of genomic and environmental factors. Engaging in regular physical exercise prevents many chronic diseases, decreases mortality…
Being able to regulate your emotions is important for well-being, but new research suggests that a common emotion regulation strategy called “cognitive reappraisal” may…
Training teachers to deliver body image lessons to teenagers in schools could help improve body esteem and reduce the risk of eating disorders, according…
Newly discovered mechanism could help researchers understand ageing process and lead to ways of slowing it down A US scientist has discovered an…
Bethesda, MD (Oct. 22, 2013) — Coffee consumption reduces risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, by about 40…
Newswise — CHICAGO—In the United States more than 77 million adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, which can cause heart disease and…