We take the privacy and safety of all our students very seriously, especially when it comes to social media sites and other public platforms. We understand that some families for a wide variety of reasons do not want their children’s images to be placed on social media sites or used in a way the parent has no control over. This is an acknowledged child safety issue and we will do our best to ensure that all children in our care are as safe as possible at all times, and that their privacy is protected.
Some students may also be subject of confidential court orders expressly prohibiting photography. Our intention is to provide clear guidance for our entire school community to ensure there are no unauthorized breaches of a students’ privacy. We ask that all member of our school community show respect to the wishes of other families in relation to this issue. We ask that you do not hesitate to contact us with any issues or concerns about this policy, especially if you feel it has been breached.
Our ‘insert school name’ photo & video policy provides clear guidance about photographing/videoing of our students by both other parents and fellow students and the clear expectation that this does not occur without permission of the student/teacher photographed.
For the purposes of official school recordings, we ask our parents/guardians to provide their express permission to take and use an image of their child or children.
Please indicate on the following page your level of permission to photograph/film.
I/We do not want my/our child photographed at any time. (Please circle if this is your choice)
If you are happy for photography/video or your child please choose either one or both of the options below.
I/We give permission for my/our child to be photographed/filmed for the express purpose of official school business as indicated below:
Photo/video – print media including local paper, School website / School publication such as Newsletters/Yearly Journal etc Yes/No
Photo/video – School social media account including
Twitter/Facebook etc. Yes/No
In relation to identifying my/our child(ren) by name I would prefer: (please circle)
No Name.
First name only.
Please note that we will do our best to ensure that your decisions are followed especially by staff, but be aware that for this policy to be successful, it requires all members of the school community to be prepared to follow the Policy and respect the fact that some families do not want their child photographed by other parents/students. If you are concerned in anyway about unauthorized photography or videos being taken of your child(ren) please do not hesitate to contact ‘………………………………………………..’(insert relevant person)
Prepared by Susan McLean – Cybersafety Solutions 2019
This can be a stand-alone document and/or with elements included in relevant policy documents.